Thursday nights at 7pm | Six Week Class
Thursday Nights, 7pm
February 20th
February 27th
March 6th
March 20th
March 27th
April 3rd
(NO class March 13th - Erev Purim)
at Nehar Shalom
6 Eliot Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Join Nehar Shalom for
Introductory Hebrew Class
We will focus on Reading
Learning the Alef-Bet
How to sound out words

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Additional Information


Tuition is for six sessions and is on a sliding scale

Nehar Shalom Members:  $100-$180
Non-Members:  $180-300

We encourage you to pay as high on the scale as you are able so we can make this class accessible to everyone who wants to participate.  



Thursday nights at 7pm
Six Week Class
Thursday Nights, 7pm
February 20th
February 27th
March 6th
March 20th
March 27th
April 3rd
(NO class March 13th - Erev Purim)
at Nehar Shalom
6 Eliot Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130